Welcome to the Masterclass Session Replays - another chance to enjoy these fantastic 'draw-along' events featuring some of the best, most interesting, wildest and most skilled Life Drawing Artists out there today.
The quality of the videos is not professional - let's be upfront about that straight away - these are zoom recordings relying on 3 different internet connections being good enough. Please do bear that in mind before renting a session, they are unedited and feature all of the glitches and mishaps that happened live (some of them quite hilarious) - having said that, they really are absolutely JOYOUS, informative and
really good fun - so please do enjoy!
The format is simple - you are able to watch each artist at work, over zoom. You can see both the model and the artist's drawing board/tablet - you can just revel in it all, watch and soak all that wisdom in, or you can indulge and draw along at the same time. There are lots of questions asked, we have a good look at materials, technique, inspiration and, of course, top tips to get us motivated!
​We hope you love these sessions, the accumulation of talent and skill coming up is enough to make you dizzy - oh, but what a ride!! See below for our recorded sessions so far...